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How to pay utility bills online?

Just set up an account at Vienasąskaita.lt and you can pay for all your services in one payment

That’s it – from now on, instead of a lot of different monthly bills you will receive one. It may take a little longer to sign up and enter the information for your account for the first time, but later, every month you log in you will see the ready information with the amounts payable, updated service rates, you can monitor the history of bills and payments, and changes in your consumption. You can see the meter readings “From” readily in your account, so you only can indicate the actual numbers “To” you have consumed in the last period.

Using Vienasąskaita.lt service you will avoid connecting to the banking system and service providers' self-service websites – you will see all service providers and the incoming data from them in your account. But most importantly, you will avoid individual payment orders for each service provider. Also

After signing up to our system, licensed by the Bank of Lithuania, you can conveniently pay for electricity, gas, heating, water, TV, the Internet, mobile communications, make payments to educational institutions, security services, the State Tax Inspectorate, etc. On Vienasąskaita.lt you can register several dwellings in a single account, whether it is a garden cottage, a garage or a supervised housing of your relatives – you can pay for all of them in one transfer. If you rent a home, you can create a separate account for the tenant and give them the possibility to independently pay the utility bills every month, and to monitor if the payments are correct and timely.